Andrea Reshetar

2021 People's Choice Finalist

My name is Andrea Reshetar, I reside in St. Michael. I felt before disgruntled before Fitclub. I had gained some weight over the COVID pandemic even though I was exercising. Exercising wasn’t enough. I was invited by Peggy Jindra to join her in the Fall Breakthrough challenge competition. Peggy told me I was good for MyZone Effort Points (MEPS, that’s another story).

I wish I could remember my first workout at FitClub but I do remember my first meeting with Coach Jacki. She was the first person to encouraged me to eat more calories if I was going to work out! She explained to me what carb backloading was and encouraged me to give it a try. I tried it and after a few weeks, I found myself a few pounds lighter and my workouts were more effective.
I have stayed with FitClub for several reasons:
  • FitClub has provided me the flexibility I need for my lifestyle.
  • I enjoy the variation of workouts.
  • My teammates were all encouraging, supportive and very real.
  • I have had three amazing Results Coaches who have been incredibly encouraging yet honest during our check-in meetings. The differences in the coaches was exactly what I needed when I was going through the three challenges. Coach Jacki told me to eat correctly and get exercising. Coach Karla encouraged me to stay on my path and not forget about resistance training. During the Winter Incinerator I discovered Nordic skiing and loved the sport. Coach Jenny kept my momentum going to the end of the Spring Meltdown challenge. My coaches really held me accountable and that helped me stay on track. .
Just over the past ten weeks, I've lost the last six pounds I struggled losing for years. My lean body mass increased 7 points and my body composition decreased 8 points. Additionally, in the past I've really struggled with sleeping and not waking up feeling refreshed. My blood sugars started to plummet also. In April, I finally went to my doctor's office. My Graves disease had returned (Graves disease is hyper thyroid issue). I got on the meds my body needed. Through the medical struggles, Coach Jenny kept on encouraging me to keep working out and eating correctly. Some mornings were so tough to get to the gym but a voice inside me said you're going to have to tell Jenny.

I am glad I listened; now I am starting to feel so much better. I am leaner, lighter and my thyroid is getting under control. I recently heard a speaker ask, "What can I do today that will make my past self-jealous or my future self-grateful?" I feel now that my body has adjusted to my new eating habits, exercising a minimum of 4 days a week, and got my thyroid issue figured out, I can only look forward. I am starting to like this better version of me.