Leah Schultz

Hi, I am Leah Schultz. I live in Zimmerman with my husband Travis and our three kids. We are a busy family with kids in multiple sports, so we are often running from place to place. Low-mileage vehicles are non-existent in our house. I am also an elementary art teacher to 700+ of my favorite artists, so clothes without paint stains are also non-existent. Going to a FitClub class is often the one hour in my day where I actually feel in control. I decide how much I want to push myself, dance, sweat, or laugh with friends. It’s an hour just for me, and I absolutely love it!

However, going to the gym hasn’t always been part of my routine. I have never been an athletic person or enjoyed going to the gym. Now in my 40s, I still struggle with confidence regarding my size, shape, or weight. As a result, I would latch on to almost any fad diet or weight loss gimmick, hoping for a magic potion for a perfect body. But the more quick fixes I tried, the more hopeless I felt.

Then my friend Heidi Skoog invited me to try a Bootcamp at Snap Fitness. I saw her success and wanted the same for myself. Honestly, that class was so hard, but there was something about the energy and atmosphere that hooked me immediately! Everyone was so welcoming, and even though I was brand new, no one made me feel like I didn’t belong. I signed up for a 21-day experience and started my first challenge. I remember telling my coach when the 21 days were finished that “I am not ready for this to be over,” and I signed up for more classes. That was more than five years ago, and I haven't looked back since.

Now, I’m not going to lie, it hasn’t all been sunshine and rainbows over those five years. I have had setbacks and frustrations. But each time I chat with my coach, and my eyes fill with tears, she reminds me of all the things I have accomplished and how far I’ve come.

Through FitClub, I have gained the confidence to do things I never thought I could, both in and out of the gym: 

  • I went skiing with my kids because my legs are stronger.
  • I did a Tough Mudder race because I had a team of friends cheering me on.
  • I competed in a CrossFit competition because my coach helped me prepare, and I felt safe.
  • I recently wore a swimsuit and didn’t feel like I needed to be covered up because I am learning to be proud of this strong body of mine.
  • I get up at 5 AM to work out (this is a really big one, as I am really not a morning person) because the classes are so good that they help me stay on track throughout my busy day.

I think I have lost 10 pounds overall in five years, and I am not sure of fat or muscle stats. My numbers may not be as impressive as some, which is why I was surprised that my body composition changed enough to be considered for People's Choice, but I hope this story inspires others to keep going. Even if it doesn't go exactly as planned, we are in this together. I’ll be there to cheer you on, just like you motivate me to keep going! The gym is no longer something I “have to do”; it is something I want to do for me. You can do it too!

With all this being said, the bottom line is that working out is hard, weight loss is hard, and building muscle is hard, especially as you get older. I would say to anyone out there who has been through the gym and weight loss gauntlet, give FitClub a try. I guarantee it will change your life!

Just like the little engine that could, I will keep climbing up that big mountain: “I think I can, I think I can... I thought I could! I thought I could!” I might not have it all together or get it perfect, but I will keep going because I have a whole team of lifelong friends who are chugging along with me.