My name is Katie Kottke. I live in Rogers with my husband and two children. I teach preschool and enjoy watching my kids do what they love. I also enjoy spending my summers at the lake.

I am your classic rollercoaster when it comes to diet and fitness. I’ve always been able to reign in diet and exercise when it comes to things like a vacation or an event. Once the milestone passed, I find myself starting to slack and then I'm right back where I started.

About a year before the pandemic, I began a fitness journey and was doing really well, then the world shut down and unfortunately so did I. I stopped working out completely, started wearing some version of sweatpants every day and threw in the towel. I tried to convince myself that this was okay. I was getting older after all and this was just how it was going to be, even though I wasn’t happy with the way I looked or felt physically. I knew something needed to change.

My sister introduced me to the fitness challenge at Snap FitClub. She was going to do it and asked if I wanted to be on her team. Anyone who knows us knows that I can’t let her one up me (cue that sibling rivalry). If she was getting back in shape, I wasn’t getting left in the dust.

I signed up for the challenge, but I didn't get the results I was hoping for by working out on my own at home. That’s when I decided to take advantage of the two week free trial that FitClub offers. After the 14 days, I joined. I had done tons of group fitness classes before, but they were nothing like this. At FitClub I wasn’t just another number in the crowd. I was called by name and given corrections to improve my form (not gonna lie this was a little intimidating at first). I was encouraged and challenged by the amazing trainers and people I worked out with. It wasn’t long before I started feeling stronger and more energized. I was even sleeping better. Not only was my health improving, but my confidence was growing and I was having fun.

I’ve been a part of FitClub now for almost a year and a half. I’ve lost weight, inches, and fat. I’m not even sure of all the numbers, but I can see muscle like I’ve never had before. I can see the fat melting off and I’ve stopped worrying so much about the number on the scale. That’s super exciting and motivating to me. I want to keep that muscle because not only does it feel good, I know it’s the key to a better quality of life.

If I could give advice to anyone who is thinking of trying out FitClub I’d say GO FOR IT. Invest in yourself and your well-being. You’re the only you you’ve got and you deserve to feel amazing!