Jessica Blonigen,

People's Choice Winner
Elk River

Jessica's Transformation Story

Hello!  I’m Jessica Blonigen and I live in Elk River. I work in finance and am a busy on-the-go hockey mom to three boys!  I have been overweight the majority of my life, but in 2008 I lost 100 lbs. by doing personal training and calorie counting. That was also before I had kids. Then, in the span of the last 13 years I went through a heartbreaking divorce, found love again and married my husband Derek and had three kids in five years. One of my sons battled cancer (and won!) for a year. In the middle of all of the chaos and stress, I did what moms do best. I sacrificed for my family. My health took a backseat to my busy life.

Then on August 1, 2021, just before my 37th birthday, I walked through the doors of FitClub to discuss the two week trial and signing up. A friend of mine had been a member for four years and she was happy and saw positive results. From the beginning, I was up front with my coach that I had started the process of bariatric weight loss surgery as a last resort. I was at an all-time-high weight, felt desperate, depressed, and was miserable with mobility limitations. It seemed impossible and overwhelming to get back to a goal weight where I knew I felt my best.  My surgery was scheduled for September 20, 2021. The reason I came to FitClub was for a place to go after my surgery.

My surgery was scheduled and canceled three times that fall 2021. (Thanks COVID restrictions.) After the last cancellation -- I decided it was a sign that FitClub was meant to be my path as an alternative to surgery. I haven’t looked back!

I remember at my first workout the coaches welcomed me by name and were cheering me on the entire time. They were even guiding me with modifications for the things I couldn’t do (yet).  The accountability of the community especially during challenges, the fun small group classes with a focus on strength training combined with a results driven approach to weight loss are what have kept me motivated. I’ve tried and failed to lose this weight on my own several times. Now I am constantly encouraged and inspired by the people around me at FitClub.  

Since I joined FitClub, I have lost 95 lbs. and gone down four pants sizes. My lab results have dramatically improved, my resting heart rate is lower by 20 bpm, and the back and knee pain I was experiencing improved because I’m not carrying around as much excess weight. What I’ve found that works for me is consistency that looks like this: I attend five small group training classes - strength training and a few bootcamps each week. I started meal prepping and have been very consistent in that. 

I am proud of my results. I’ve started believing in myself and I’ve been gaining confidence. The FitClub coaches and members believing in me first helped me believe in myself again. I have more energy to keep up with my family and participate in activities rather than being a bystander.  I feel I’m the wife and mom that my family deserves. I have more flexibility and agility, feel strong and powerful, and have gained mental strength/control to remain vigilant about food choices to overcome sugar addictions. I’m not watching life from the sidelines anymore.

Motivation to change is what got me started, but my FitClub friendships and the habits and routines are what drives my dedication to keep going. I would tell anyone that is on the fence about starting their journey to stop doubting yourself. Realize that you are capable of more than you know if you set your mind to it – I am proof that we can do hard things.