πŸ’ͺ Welcome to Challenge Registration


New to the challenge? Need more information? Keep scrolling for all of the information you need to make a decision.
If you haven't paid for the challenge please follow the instructions:
Click the Black Button if you're a Snap or FitClub member.
Click Red Button if you're not a member.

Fall Breakthrough
Challenge Overview

Sept. 9 - Nov. 4

FitClub’s FALL BREAKTHROUGH Challenge is 8 weeks long and consists of teams of 4 earning points several ways:

  1. Body Composition (50% of team score)-at the initial check-in, midpoint and end of the challenge
  2. MyZone Experience Points (aka MEPS - 20% of team score)- earned starting 9/10 through 11/19 at NOON CST.
  3. Accountability Surveys (15% of team score)- There will be weekly accountability emails sent for you to evaluate yourself. Various point
  4. Fitness Test (15% of team score) - tested on doing as many Box Squats, Push-Ups, and Planks as you can within 1 min per, with only 30 sec rest after the Box Squats and Planks. 
Teams of 4 will compete against the other teams. Each category is weighted differently and will be ranked individually. Example: If you get 1st place you get 100 points, 2nd place is 95 and so on and so forth. You have to have a balanced team to win. A team simply cannot win by MEPS alone

What do I get?

Challenge Participant - $99

  • 3 check-ins with a qualified Results Coach so you can get your nutrition, exercise and supplementation routine set.  Your coach will hold you accountable to accomplishing the goals you have set for yourself.
  • 3 classes which you can redeem at any point during the challenge.  We will have special classes specific for challenges at the beginning, middle and end of the challenge.
  • Two months 24/7 access to Snap Fitness (Elk River, Rogers or Big Lake)
  • Access to the FitClub App

FitClub & Snap Members - $49

  • 3 check-ins with a qualified Results Coach so you can get your nutrition, exercise and supplementation routine set.  Your coach will hold you accountable to accomplishing the goals you have set for yourself.
  • 3 classes which you can redeem at any point during the challenge.  We will have special classes specific for challenges at the beginning, middle and end of the challenge.
  • Access to the FitClub App
All participants do need a MyZone device to earn points for your team, MyZone devices can be purchased in the club for $100 (retail is $150). Talk with your coach if you need one. 

Why are our challenges successful?

We've discovered that while we may be willing to give up on ourselves but those three people on your team? It's a different story. No one wants to be the weakest link.

Teamwork really does make the dream work! You are not on this journey alone. You've got a team behind you, cheering for you along the way.

That's not all though. You'll have assistance from one of our amazing Results Coaches too! 

What if I don't have a team of 4?

You don't have to be a member of Snap Fitness or FitClub to participate in our challenges! Let's say it louder for the people in the back: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF SNAP FITNESS OR SNAP FITCLUB ELK RIVER OR ROGERS TO PARTICIPATE IN A TEAM TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE.

Our mission is to help the people in our communities become better versions of themselves whether you're  one of our members or not. Don't let the fear of not having a team or having part of a team hold you back from joining. We know people and you have a place in the Fall Breakthrough that's waiting for you.

How is my team going to win again? 

MEPS: Your team of 4 will earn MyZone points by wearing a device that tracks your heart rate. The team that has the most points will get first place in that category and will be allotted a set value of points for first (place). Second place will get less points and so on.  

Body Composition (Body Comp): Your coach will measure your body composition by using body composition data earning (you)  points on your results that goes to your team.  The team with the most change will get first place in that category. 

man and woman standing in room on scale

Fit Tests and Surveys: The same approach will be used for the Fitness Test and the Accountability Surveys as with Body Comp. Whichever team has the most points will get first place in those categories. Second place will get the second place points and so on.  

The standings are computed by adding your team's points in each category to create the total points.

Important Dates:

● August 9th Registration Opens - Get registered and put your team of 4 together…and come up
with a sweet team name
● 9/1: Early Check-in - Meet with your coach, talk about your plan and take your body composition data. Then, start crushing your goals. (Remember, that MEPS don’t count yet and your body composition challenge ends 56 days after your initial check-in with your coach.)
● 9/9: Breakthrough Weekend – Last chance to register and meet with your coach.
● 9/9: MEPS Start - Better wear your MyZone belt because this is when the points start to count for your team. Let’s go!
● 10/7: Midpoint Smackdown - Challenge is halfway over, so prepare for a great workout! Also, challengers need to have their mid-point check-in accomplished at this point.
● 11/4: Breakthrough MEP Binge - Last chance workout! MyZone points end at NOON CST on 11/4
● 11/4: Final Body Composition and 2nd Fit Test also due at this time.
● 11/4: Awards Party - Details to come!  


Next Steps - Transformation Challenge Tools - Coaching Meeting

  • Set up your Nutrition, Exercise, Supplement Plan
  • Fitness Testing - set a time with your coach but most people will probably do their FitTest at the Breakthrough Weekend Bootcamps
  • Talk to your coach about a MyZone device if you don't have one
  • Join the FitClub VIP Group on Facebook. You'll have to request access.
  • Watch for educational videos so you can understand our programs and philosophy
Wait!! There's a "fit test?!" What's a FitTest?? Watch the video and find out.