Dani Schmidt,

People's Choice
Runner-Up Rogers

Dani's Story

I am Dani Schmidt and I live in Rogers. I live 1.2 miles from Snap Fitness to be exact. I work for Boston Scientific, you may have noticed the big complex on the west side of 94 on Weaver Lake Road, that's the place. I started there 30 years ago this June. I have gained and lost somewhere around 500lbs in my adult life.

Years ago, I worked out at Lifetime Fitness. I was dedicated, worked with a trainer, did triathlons and in-line skating marathons. About 10 years ago, I just stopped going to Lifetime. I lost the habit of going and slowly started to gain weight. Fortunately, I caught myself and just four years ago, I lost 60lbs. And then the pandemic happened; I gained all 60lbs that I lost back again.

Now here I am: almost 50-years-old and carrying around this extra weight really weighs on me (no pun intended).  


My friend, Michelle Nemec, has been doing Snap FitClub challenges for quite a while and since I had resolved to join the gym in January, she was able to talk me into doing the winter challenge. I went to my first of three free FitClub classes that comes with a FitClub challenge. I LOVED IT. My Results Coach Karla helped me with supplements and nutrition and I was on my way.

I've always liked group fitness, I am not good at motivating myself. I can talk myself off a treadmill NO PROBLEM, however, I won’t just give up and leave a class. Some would say I am a teacher's pet; I am susceptible to peer pressure (LOL). Results are a great motivator and I was getting results.  FitClub is a huge motivator for me.  Getting to see Coach Jenny and Coach Jacki every Monday, Wednesday and Friday makes my week. Not to mention all the AMAZING FitClub members that I have met along the way (there are too many to name names, but you know who you are).  I really do feel like the FitClub community wrapped their wings around me and welcomed me into their lives.  


Since the beginning of the winter challenge I have dropped 30lbs and dropped my body fat percentage down over 3%. Now I watch what I eat and I do two strength training workouts plus one bootcamp every week and then two days of cardio on my own.

I can fit into clothes I wasn't able to fit into back in December, my knees don’t hurt when I go up and down the stairs,  and I don’t get winded doing simple tasks. 


I remember 20 years ago when I joined Weight Watchers for the first time and I said to myself, “I won’t lose any weight, and then I will just quit”. Well, I did lose weight and that led to me joining a gym.  It sounds corny, but you just have to start.