Chris Ebner,

People's Choice Runner-Up Elk River

Chris's Transformation Story

Hi, I am Chris Ebner and I live in Albertville. I am 37 years old. I am a Federal Employee for the Department of Veterans Affairs; currently working under the Patient Experience Officer. My goal is to run the VA Hospital in the future. I also work as a Server/Bartender at D Michael Bs in Albertville. 

I enjoy both my jobs. I get to serve my country again by taking care of Veterans. I am an Iraqi War Veteran, joining the military when I was 19-years-old. I did a year in Baghdad, Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division, 506th RCT. After returning to the states, I got out and returned home to Minnesota.

After several different career paths, I gained my B.A. in Healthcare Administration which helps me in my current job. All through that time in my life, I really didn’t do much for my physical health. I  tried to stay active but as time went by my eating habits got worse and soon enough the “military fit'' body I had when I joined the military, began to disappear. I tried every “get ripped quick” scheme, from pills to special shakes with specific plans, and I would do well for a time. Then, once the program ended, I gained the weight back plus a little more. I would spend countless dollars at gyms but would spend more time in the pool or sauna than working out. I never really heard of FitClub or wanted to go to a gym that didn’t have the many amenities the others had.

Being a Federal Employee I obtained a gym saving membership which only worked for gyms such as Snap Fitness and started working out but life happens. Then I wouldn’t work out for years; it was the same cycle over and over again. In 2020, my twin sister and I made a pact to start working out and found Snap Fitness in Elk River. We would go in the mornings, not really knowing what we were doing, and give any workout we found online a try. We were welcomed with open arms by the regulars at Snap and started to become more accustomed to what Snap FitClub had to offer.

I tried the 2-week FitClub class experience but was only able to do one week during that time due to personal issues. I needed to hold myself accountable though; after meeting up with the different coaches like Nicole, Luke, and Connor, I was determined to put in the time and work that I needed and deserved to be a better version of myself. I wanted to do better for myself and I knew that I coud. I have stayed at this gym because of my new workout family and how they motivate me to do better. It also helps to have my “personal accountability coach and motivator”, a.k.a. my twin sister, Angela, push me. I’m more involved with classes, and last year, I did two challenges and two races which helped me focus on my workout routine. I was now hooked on doing better for myself.

At first, I didn’t see much difference in my body. I bought a MyZone belt, and with the support from the coaches and other members I began to understand what heart rate training is and how to make it work for me.

When I started the gym in 2020, I weighed 210lbs. Back in September 2021 I stepped on the In-Body and saw the numbers for the first time: Total Body weight 195lbs, Skeletal Muscle Mass: 86.2lbs, Body Fat Mass: 44.2lbs, Body Fat %: 22.7. Yeah the number on the scale had moved but I still didn’t like the person I was. It was time to get to work. I focused on working out three, four and sometimes even five days a week, began tracking my macros, drinking more water, meal-prepped, took more FitClub classes, and came prepared to talk when I met with my coach, Miriam. The biggest change is the energy I feel now, the more change I see, the more I want to continue to change. I feel connected and have more drive towards my fitness goal as I continue here at Snap and FitClub.  My current weight results now are: 178lbs, Skeletal Muscle Mass: 83.6lbs, Body Fat Mass: 31.3lbs, Body Fat %: 17.5.

My advice to those who are on the fence with taking this fitness/life changing journey to wellness is to keep moving forward, celebrate little victories, ask questions, and continue to drive on towards your goals. When you take these steps to create a better you, you will feel so glad you did. Hard work, determination, and being consistent does pay off, don’t ever give up. The advice that I would give the old me is to create a beautiful life for yourself, you will get through this, ask more questions early on, you will not be disappointed in what you see through this transformation, you will see and experience a better sense of life.