Our updated Fall Breakthrough 2.0 Challenge is designed with flexibility and your needs in mind:

  • Flexible Team Sizes: Choose a team size that works for you—2 to 4 people, whether it’s a pair, trio, or full squad.
  • Personal Accountability: We’ve shifted from accountability quizzes to focusing on hitting your nutrition goals through the FitClub App. Real change starts in the kitchen.
  • Increased MEPS Goal: We’ve raised the MEPS (MyZone Effort Points) target from 12,000 to 14,000, with Blue 💙, Green 💚,  Yellow 💛 and Red 💗 Zones—because every effort matters.
  • Extended Duration: We’ve extended the challenge from 8 weeks to 12 weeks, giving you more time to build lasting healthy habits.

Join the Challenge: Pricing

Check-ins are 20-30 minute sessions focused on reviewing your progress and making necessary adjustments to your plan, not just casual catch-ups with your coach.

New Challengers $99 Challenge Fee

(or for returners wanting 3 check-ins)
  • 3 Check-Ins with Your Coach (20-30 minutes each)
  • Full Access to the FitClub App
  • 14-Day Trial at FitClub or Snap 24/7
  • Entry into the Fall Breakthrough Challenge
  • *MyZone Belt sold separately and not included in price.

Returning Challengers $30 Challenge Fee

(Returning participants only – no check-ins included)

Coach check-ins are no longer included in the base price for returning participants. We've found that offering them separately ensures you get the support you need, without underuse impacting your results.
If you haven't purchased a Fall Breakthrough Challenge package, you're not officially signed up. Make sure you've completed the registration form and followed through with your package purchase. Need to go back to that page? Click here.

Extra Coaching Support

Please note that check-ins are 20-30 minute sessions designed to assess your progress and adjust your plan as needed, rather than informal catch-ups with your coach.

Drop-In Check-In: $33
6 Check-Ins: $180
12 Check-Ins: $300

Ask yourself: What can 12 weeks do for me?

Team Up & Transform Together!

Real Results

Cindy’s Journey: Stronger, Not Skinnier

“Strength is not about the size of your muscles but the resilience of your spirit.” – Cindy Ley

After years of struggling with body image and fluctuating weight, Cindy found her breakthrough at FitClub. Through dedication, meal prepping, and support from her coach and workout friends, she lost 14 pounds and 10% body fat in just eight months. Cindy’s story is a testament to the power of community and the importance of embracing strength over size. Click here to read more.
Beth’s Journey: From Lost to Lifting

“It’s not about chasing the next big goal but appreciating how far you’ve come and finding strength in your journey.” – Beth Urness

Beth’s transformation began with a pivotal “before” photo taken 8.5 years ago. Reflecting on her journey, she has gone from feeling “not enough” to achieving incredible milestones, like performing unassisted pull-ups and lifting heavy weights. Her story emphasizes the importance of recognizing past achievements and finding joy in the journey. Beth's experience highlights the value of persistence and the supportive FitClub community. Click here to read more.

How It Works

Sign Up: It’s a breeze! Just complete the Registration Form above, and click the button that suits you: New Challenger or Return Challenger. Easy peasy.
Gather Your Team: Recruit your squad—friends, family, or even your gym buddies. Yes, as in "Avengers....." if you're a cool kid and can finish the sentence 1,289 aura points for you.
Start Transforming: Time to get the ball rolling! As Coach Luke says, “You don’t change if you don’t CHANGE.” Simply put, you won’t see results without changing your lifestyle.
Celebrate Success: We love to wrap things up with an end-of-challenge awards bash, often at a fun spot like Cowboy Jack’s. Here’s to continuing that awesome tradition!

Okay, but how do I score points for my team?

Body Composition (60% of your team’s score): You will get awarded for accomplishing the desired change in lean body mass (muscle). Click HERE for more body comp info. 1 point is earned for each % change of LBM gained and FAT lost. You will not lose points for losing LBM.
Accountability (30% of your team’s score): Participants can earn points by tracking and hitting their daily nutrition goals within a 10% variance using the FitClub app. Successfully meeting these goals will earn them a gold star ⭐️ and contribute to 30% of their team's overall score.
MEPS - MyZone Effort Points (10% of your team’s score): The ranking of your team's total MEPS for the entire challenge. A cap of 14,000 total MEPS per person is set and Blue 💙, Green 💚,  Yellow 💛 and Red 💗 Zones earn points.

We will be using the team's average score to determine the winner, accounting for the variables of having 2-4 people per team.


How many check-ins are given for the $30 registration? No, check-ins with a coach are not included in the $30 registration. The $30 Return Challenger package is for entrance into the Challenge which includes an InBody scan in the beginning of the challenge and at the end.

How many people on a team? 2, 3 or 4 people on a team.

What if I need more accountability? You can purchase coach check-ins additionally if you'd like to have more accountability.

Can't I just pay for the New Challenger package even though I've done a Challenge before? Absolutely! If you know right away that you'll want that accountability from a coach, then this may be the right path the go.  

How does the point system work for the accountability criteria? Participants can earn points by tracking and hitting their daily nutrition goals within a 10% variance using the FitClub app. Successfully meeting these goals will earn them a gold star ⭐️ and contribute to 30% of their team's overall score.